Take Action
At a commencement address a year ago, George W Bush declared, "In this new century, the loss of freedom anywhere is a blow to freedom everywhere."
Our nation's freedom is under attack. The liberties we hold dear could be taken away from us if we do not act now. This very day, whole families, including toddlers, are being imprisoned in concentration camps with inadequate healthcare, education, and food. They must wear prison uniforms and rarely see the light of day. These prisoners are being wrongfully detained by one of the most secretive and propaganda-filled regimes in power. And new laws passed by this regime have suspended their right to petition the goverment for a redress of grievances. They are held without legal counsel in violation of international laws. This was confirmed recently, when the government minister over these concentration camps denied access to UN inspectors there to monitor the conditions of the prisoners, most of which were asylum seekers, running from violence and oppression elsewhere. This same nation has been holding other foreign nationals that were sold to them by bounty hunters for over five years in a remote location. One prisoner was convicted of a crime, but hundreds of others have never had charges brought against them or seen the evidence against them. They are being held arbitrarily, according to new laws pushed throught by this regime, at the whim of the leader of the armed forces. Despite a huge underground push from inside this country to expose these atrocities, the mainstream media have all been bought off by the government, bound under an oath of silence regarding criticism of the regime.
So, according to Bush's aforementioned statement, freedom everywhere has received a great blow thanks to the Bush administration. All of the above descriptions speak of none other than the United States of America, the US Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, and the President of the United States. The facility incarcerating toddlers is the Don Hutto Family Residential Facility in Taylor, TX. Actual experiences at the facility are nothing like the explanation by the ICE website. The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, the 2001 USA Patriot Act, and the Military Commissions Act of 2006 have all traded personal freedoms for a false sense of security, violated human rights, and brought this once great nation ever closer to becoming a police state.
Be on the lookout for more eroding freedoms. Unless it is repealed before its enactment, the REAL ID Act will mandate all of your personal information to be kept in a vast federal database, linking your employment, your education, your assets, your travel, your purchases, and your medical history. Without the federally mandated ID cards, you will not be able to work, travel, or open a bank account. Potentially, the ID card could be used to track your location (with GPS chips), or deny you healthcare and education. Several states have already passed non-compliance declarations in their state legislatures, stating their intent to refuse compliance with the new law. Some of these have openly declared its danger to personal privacy and freedom, while others simply cite its great cost to the states and lack of funding. Many are also concerned about government talks with VeriChip that will likely result in these federal IDs being later implanted under the skin.
DO SOMETHING! Write to your congressmen and other officials to let them know you are concerned about these actions moving the US closer to a dictatorship.
Amnesty International has pre-written letters, with contact information for the appropriate officials, that you can e-mail or print out and send by mail. http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/
Our nation's freedom is under attack. The liberties we hold dear could be taken away from us if we do not act now. This very day, whole families, including toddlers, are being imprisoned in concentration camps with inadequate healthcare, education, and food. They must wear prison uniforms and rarely see the light of day. These prisoners are being wrongfully detained by one of the most secretive and propaganda-filled regimes in power. And new laws passed by this regime have suspended their right to petition the goverment for a redress of grievances. They are held without legal counsel in violation of international laws. This was confirmed recently, when the government minister over these concentration camps denied access to UN inspectors there to monitor the conditions of the prisoners, most of which were asylum seekers, running from violence and oppression elsewhere. This same nation has been holding other foreign nationals that were sold to them by bounty hunters for over five years in a remote location. One prisoner was convicted of a crime, but hundreds of others have never had charges brought against them or seen the evidence against them. They are being held arbitrarily, according to new laws pushed throught by this regime, at the whim of the leader of the armed forces. Despite a huge underground push from inside this country to expose these atrocities, the mainstream media have all been bought off by the government, bound under an oath of silence regarding criticism of the regime.
So, according to Bush's aforementioned statement, freedom everywhere has received a great blow thanks to the Bush administration. All of the above descriptions speak of none other than the United States of America, the US Congress, the Department of Homeland Security, and the President of the United States. The facility incarcerating toddlers is the Don Hutto Family Residential Facility in Taylor, TX. Actual experiences at the facility are nothing like the explanation by the ICE website. The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, the 2001 USA Patriot Act, and the Military Commissions Act of 2006 have all traded personal freedoms for a false sense of security, violated human rights, and brought this once great nation ever closer to becoming a police state.
Be on the lookout for more eroding freedoms. Unless it is repealed before its enactment, the REAL ID Act will mandate all of your personal information to be kept in a vast federal database, linking your employment, your education, your assets, your travel, your purchases, and your medical history. Without the federally mandated ID cards, you will not be able to work, travel, or open a bank account. Potentially, the ID card could be used to track your location (with GPS chips), or deny you healthcare and education. Several states have already passed non-compliance declarations in their state legislatures, stating their intent to refuse compliance with the new law. Some of these have openly declared its danger to personal privacy and freedom, while others simply cite its great cost to the states and lack of funding. Many are also concerned about government talks with VeriChip that will likely result in these federal IDs being later implanted under the skin.
DO SOMETHING! Write to your congressmen and other officials to let them know you are concerned about these actions moving the US closer to a dictatorship.
Amnesty International has pre-written letters, with contact information for the appropriate officials, that you can e-mail or print out and send by mail. http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/